I. 国际政策与项目信息
1. Agenda for Accelerated Country Action for Women, Girls, Gender Equality and HIV, UNAIDS 2010
4. We can prevent mothers from dying and babies from becoming infected with HIV, UNAIDS 2009
II. 最佳实践 (来自中国和国际)
1. Promising practices in community engagement for elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive, UNAIDS 2012
3. Community Peer Support for HIV Positive Women in China, UNAIDS, UNICEF 2011
III. 联合国相关负责人
a) 中国
UN Women: Ms. Julia Broussard, Country Programme Manager
Address: 2, Liangmahe Nanlu, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Telephone: (8610) 8532-0932
Fax: (8610) 8532-0903
Email: unwomen.china@unwomen.org
UNAIDS: Mr. Mark Stirling, Country Coordinator
Address: 2-8-1 Tayuan Diplomatic Office Building, 14 Liangmahe Nanlu, Beijing 100600
Telephone: (8610) 8532 2226
Email: china@unaids.org
b) 国际
UNAIDS: Dr Jantine Jacobi, Head of Gender and AIDS Team, UNAIDS Geneva
Address: 20 Avenue Appia, Geneva 1211, Switzerland
Telephone: (+41) 22 791 36 66
Email: JantineJ@unaids.org
IV. 其他技术资源